During the years of 1963-66, I received a Madison Art Center Purchase Award, Wisconsin Salon of Arts Award, as well as Milwaukee Art Museum Awards including in 1966, the Best of Show and $1,000 prize. The award winning sculpture was made of jagged sections of boiler plating and 6”x6” beams. It was 12 feet high and occupied a 12’x12’area.
In the summer of 1966, I earned an MFA in sculpture from UW-Madison.
I moved to L.A., CA in 1966 and had a One Person Show at the Esther Robles Gallery in 1967.
In 1974, I returned to Wisconsin and began work in cast bronze. I moved on to experiment in burlap, tree branches, paint and rope. My work was abstract and figurative in nature. I was part of a number of group exhibitions over this period of time. I also began to create performance works which used my sculptures and paintings on stage.
Leaving Wisconsin for Arizona, I fell in love with horses. For the next 11 years, I have created welded scrap steel life size sculptures of horses. The Phippen Museum had a show of these horses purchased three of these sculptures and another one was sold for $7000. I also donated 2 large horses and 4 small colts to the Phippen. The horses have also been exhibited at the Hahn-Ross Gallery in Santa Fe, NM as well as Prescott College. I donated 2 life size horses and 2 colts to the City of Prescott Valley and are grazing on Glassford Hill..
I completed a life size horse sculpture commission for a private client in Point Reyes, CA in 2004.
The city of Prescott Valley has 2 of my abstract large sculptures, one in Fain Park and one on the Civic Center.
I am currently negotiating with the City of Flagstaff to donate a sculpture in a public park space. I also have a sculpture in front of the library in Chino Valley.
The large horse and 2 smaller colts I am offering to donate to the City of Prescott may be my last horses. I have chosen a beautiful site for them along side the Peavine Trail.